In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson Host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Malcolm Lazin, the Founder and Executive Director of Equality Forum. This is an important LGBT event that is dedicated to addressing our LGBT issues and concerns. The week-long national and international summit will be held from Monday, April 26 to Sunday, May 2 in Philadelphia. There isn’t a registration fee and all substantive panels are free. There are lots of dances parties, entertainment and just basic fun events throughout the week. Africa is Equality Forum international focus this year. While the U.S. debates issues like same-gender marriage, nations like Uganda are considering the death penalty or life imprisonment for “anyone convicted of a homosexual act.” This year Equality Forum’s international focus explores LGBT rights and movement development in Africa. Panelists include Cary Alan Johnson, Executive Director, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission and Pouline Kimani, Co-Founder, Minority Women in Action, Kenya. The US Senate has passed a resolution imploring Ugandan Members of Parliament to withdraw the Bill that would impose death on LGBT people.
When asked what would he like to see accomplished in the Obama administration for our LGBT civil rights in this country Lazin stated, “I think there’s a lot that needs to be done. Obviously ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act) looks like it could be passed even within this calendar year and certainly the President using some of his chits in terms of particularly in the United States Senate, to make that happen. I think him getting behind the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act which is the reason why we do not receive one thousand, one hundred and thirty eight federal marital protections and benefits becomes important. I appreciate that one of those is hospital visitation, so we’re now down to one thousand, one hundred and thirty seven. So the easier way to do it is just repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and I think whether that gets accomplished during the first four years or if he’s re-elected, then the second four years, I do think that it will get accomplished because he’s certainly on record in terms of supporting the repeal of that act.”
Lt. Dan Choi National Leader Against "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" will speak at SundayOUT! at The Piazza, the closing party of the Equality Forum 2010 event.
For More Info: equalityforum.com

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