New 2011 Interview With Margaret...:)
In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with brilliant actress and hilarious comedian Margaret Cho. Margaret is currently starring in “Drop Dead Diva” on Lifetime and is hitting the road with her brand new tour & CD, “Cho Dependent”. Adam Weinstock of Creative Concept Productions has brought her to Provincetown, Massachusetts where she was Grand Marshal of the Carnival Parade and performing at Vixen through August 24th.
Margaret Cho is a native of California so we thought we’d get her spin on the trials and tribulations of Prop 8. When asked what her reaction was to Prop 8 being overturned and found unconstitutional and yet gay couples are still being denied marriage equality, Cho Stated, “I was really excited when Prop 8 was considered unconstitutional but then they decided to have a stay of the marriages and there was an appeal by the opposing groups. I got really angry because it’s not as if this is a small thing. I mean getting married for so many is a life changing event and we are waiting for this right so desperately. Could you imagine if this happened to straight people if a wedding was canceled the day before because it was considered not acceptable somehow by legal standards? It would be unthinkable for a straight bride to have her wedding canceled the day before. I get so angry that this is going on and I want some relief. The back and forth is torture. Why is it ok for them to appeal and we have to wait until December now to be heard again? Why do we have to wait so long? Why can they appeal something two days after it’s decided and we have to wait weeks, months and years? It’s unfair and insane…It’s just so infuriating because they’re going to lose anyways because it’s unconstitutional. That’s the basic truth of it. There’s nothing they can do about it, yet they keep continuing their charade like it’s going to matter later but it’s just making everyone so hateful and angry.”
Throughout her career, Margaret has been honored by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), American Women in Radio and Television, the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) and PFLAG for making a significant difference in promoting equal rights for all, regardless of race, sexual orientation or gender identity.
The “Cho Dependent" CD will be released on August 24 and her tour began August 26 which is sponsored by Logo. Margaret Cho has been named on the new cast of "Dancing with the Stars."
For More Info: www.MargaretCho.com

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