UPDATE: OUTTAKE BLOG™: Is DOMA Headed to Congress?
In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Rev. Richard Emmanuel, Founder of The Church, a non-profit organization in East Gloucester, MA, which is dedicated to raising individual and collective consciousness and increasing spiritual awareness. Emmanuel, a visionary and dedicated political activist, has a very truthful and honest spin on the Obama administration and the reality of the future of our LGBT Civil Rights.
In the aftermath of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” being ruled unconstitutional in federal court, the Obama Administration continues to appeal the Log Cabin Republicans vs. The United States of America decision despite the fact that ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ has been repealed and signed into law. When asked what his thoughts are about this Emmanuel stated, “ This is the illusion of due diligence. We’re fed these illusions that something is happening. This process of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’, that was a stupid solution when Clinton came up with it. And how many hard core people screamed about it and said ‘This is a ridiculous settlement.’ It is now, as it was back then, and just by keeping it in this limbo state of people still talking about ‘well we’re making the transition,’ this is the carrot being dangled in front of the donkey. As long as you’re pulling the wagon that’s what they want you to do. And that’s why the subject is still there.”
Emmanuel also addressed gay marriage and DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act. Section 3 of DOMA which applies to federal benefits that was found unconstitutional by a Federal Judge in Boston. Prop 8 which was also found unconstitutional in federal court is now headed to the California Supreme Court once again. As we wait for the outcome of these federal actions our LGBT families whether married, domestic partners, in a civil union, or legal strangers under our particular state's law, are denied 1,138 federal rights of marriage that all heterosexual families enjoy. Our LGBTQ teens are up to four times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers and Emmanuel gives his insight on this heartbreaking trend.
Richard Emmanuel is a provocateur who creates both concept iconography and media assemblages in 2d, 3d, and internet media. His work is an exploration of consciousness with great emphasis drawn from the ancient civilizations on this planet and the “aboriginal dream” which spawned these ancient narratives. The practical use of his concepts and “designed environments” has been used in international corporate communications and exhibits. A recent show at the Baltimore Visionary Art Museum used three of his works to express the concepts expressed in nihilism.
Richard understands that the greatest task is to teach each generation the quest for “what is truth” Emmanuel sees the path and agrees with the greatest of ancient teachers… that is…“one can only point the way” … and above all “know thyself.”
For More Info: TheChurch.org
Watch Emmanuel's GOP Video
"Greed Over People"
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