
Monday, November 3, 2014

Proposition Love Jewelry Supports LGBT Equality

In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Sam Street and Jonathan Tack about their exquisite jewelry line Proposition Love Jewelry that donates 10-20 percent of proceeds to LGBT related causes. Jewelry industry veterans Street and Tack were married in California just a few days before Proposition 8 was voted in. They were part of the lucky few who never had their right to marry taken away but it made them realize how precious such a thing can be and motivated them to become active in the fight for LGBT equality. We talked to Sam and Jonathan about what inspired them to create Proposition Love Jewelry and their spin on our LGBT issues.

When asked what their personal commitment is to LGBT civil rights Tack stated, “We launched a new collection called Love Is Love because we believe that everyone has the right to love whoever they want to love and it should be their choice and their civil right. We did a big launch party for Love Is Love actually in Beverly Hills in which we designed various rings for numerous celebrities. For example we did a ring for Kathy Griffin; we did one for Perez Hilton; we designed one for Melissa Rivers, Tori Spelling, the list goes on and on. It was so heart warming for us because when we reached out to these celebrities, you know in their busy lives we said Hey Listen we would love to design a ring for you to support gay marriage and LGBTQ rights and we would like to auction the ring and donate 100% of the proceeds from the sale to the charity of your choice that would obviously correlate to what we’re looking to support here. It was just overwhelming how many celebrities jumped on board and just said Hey we love it, we’re going to do it.”

Sam Street and Jonathan Tack founded Proposition Love Jewelry in 2011 as a symbol of love and commitment to one another and a pledge to support the rights of all. Proposition Love Jewelry proudly donates 10% of profits to organizations that support marriage equality, LGBT rights, LGBT youth anti bullying and HIV/AIDS activism. They increased their donation to 20% for all purchases made in the states where gay and lesbian marriage has recently passed. For their Countdown Collection they have created a wedding ring for each state to symbolize the historic moment for the passing of marriage equality. Recently their exquisite LGBT jewelry line has become available at Macy's.
For More Info: propositionlove.com 

1 comment:

  1. Sam and Jonathan are absolutely delightful, committed to creating gorgeous jewelry and making their journey meaningful and charitable and fun.

    I love everything they do and I'm so glad to know about them and their work and their philanthropic activities. Bravo to two wonderful people making a difference.
