
Monday, December 15, 2014

Larry Robinson Creates New Book “Mirror, Mirror”

In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Larry Robinson psychotherapist and life counselor about his new book “Mirror, Mirror: Reflections of Self: 365-Day Life Journal”. Robinson’s book evolved from 35 years of counseling both LGBT and heterosexual clients and from his Facebook page entitled “Mindful Thinking” that is followed by over 165,000 globally. The emotional growth that can be achieved through this book is truly unique. “Mirror, Mirror” is not a self-help book, it’s a help yourself book. After each of the 365 lessons readers will find a question to answer and space is provided for their answer. You can work on these lessons alone or with a partner. Readers can then return to it any time and check their progress and each time they go through its pages, they will discover something new about themselves. We talked to Larry about his inspiration for writing “Mirror, Mirror” and his spin on our LGBT issues.

When asked about his involvement with our LGBT community Robinson stated, “My involvement goes back at least forty years as my first volunteer job was at a place called The Homosexual Health Center on Boylston Street in Boston where we did volunteer counseling with gay and lesbian men and women. It was operating for about five years and then it shutdown and that’s when I decided basically to go into my own business. Probably it was 1981 that I did some volunteer work for The AIDS Action Committee and I got my first AIDS patient and it wasn’t even identified as AIDS then in ’81, it was called gay cancer. Unfortunately so few people were out at that time. My client was diagnosed with whatever they believed it was and he died about three weeks later, it was very quick. From there I worked with many gay men who were infected with the AIDS virus, who were all HIV positive and unfortunately they all died. I think my job basically at that point wasn’t about how to live, it was more about how to die because the death rate was so enormous at that time. So my hand has always been involved in the community and I think I’ll always be involved. I work now with gay couples, singles, I think it’s part of my life to help people feel better about who they are.”

Larry Robinson has a Master of Education in Counseling from Boston University, is a clinically certified forensic counselor working with the Essex County District Attorney's office in the Juvenile Diversion Program and is a certified divorce mediator. He is the founder of Mindful Thinking that focuses on change and living in the now. His new book, “Mirror, Mirror: Reflections of Self” published by Xlibris, was written with this in mind and with the intention of helping people across the world change and better their lives.
For More Info: mindfullthinking.com

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