
Friday, January 13, 2017

“Be The Change” A Family Affair Against Hate (AUDIO)

In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Joerg Kohring, Jess Niven-Kohring and Barbara Niven about their extremely relevant “Be The Change” music video and social media campaign that premieres globally January 16th on Martin Luther King Day. “Be The Change” was written by Joerg Kohring and Jess Niven-Kohring and recorded by pop rock band Orbit Monkey. Joerg and Jess are acclaimed singer-songwriters, parents of two children living in Los Angeles, California and have created an inspiring music video to give hope and motivation to millions of Americans who are drowning in fear of the unknown since the election. The video itself is confronting. Images of gun violence and hate crimes fold into the visuals of innocent children as they watch TV. Viewers witness the parallel between segregation in the 50s and violence and intolerance in this country today. The video also focuses on the continuing struggle for our LGBT civil rights intensified by the fear of the unknown in 2017. “Be The Change” is a passionate family project with Jess’s mother, actress and Human Rights advocate Barbara Niven (‘A Perfect Ending’,‘Chesapeake Shores’ & ‘Nesting Doll’), contributing to the video as Co-Editor and Producer. We talked to Joerg, Jess and Barbara about the importance of “Be The Change”, what they hope to accomplish with this significant global campaign and their spin on our LGBT issues.

When asked how they see our LGBTQ community moving forward in a Trump administration Jess Niven-Kohring stated, “This is the thing that we have been talking about. Joerg and I were actually talking about this last night and trying to figure out you know what role we can play in trying to help move this forward. I think because there is so much fear, I think it’s really going to be up to everyone coming together and the allies really speaking out and using the privilege that I didn’t even realize I had for so long and using that to really make our voices heard and allow everyone else’s voices to be heard too and really standing up as a society. It’s not one community verses another; we are all part of the same community and the same beautiful cultures and it’s us moving forward together. So I think it’s really going to be up to everyone to recognize the privilege they have and really use it to give voices to those that may not have a voice under the incoming administration.”

The “Be The Change” video campaign will have its world premiere on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 16th to honor King and all the other American heroes who have fought for equal rights. Audio from his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech has been incorporated into the video to help spread his message to a new generation. Martin Luther King, Jr. also said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” His words ring true now more than ever. To get involved starting on January 16th you can post, share & tweet this video on social media using #BeTheChange. Send it to your friends, family, news sources and influencers. Get involved and hold your politicians accountable or run for office yourself. Be aware, be a safe place, stand up to bullies, speak up for equality, climate change, listen and learn from each other and teach your children to be kind. Most importantly, never give up.
For More Info…

1 comment:

  1. Joerg, Jess & Barbara are allies who will make the world a better place for all. I loved when they said to 'teach your children to be kind'.....Thank you for this heartwarming conversation and rallying call and I'm looking forward to seeing the music video "Be The Change".
