
Monday, November 9, 2020

Opa Hysea Wise Talks Novel “No Place To Hide” & More (AUDIO)






In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with life coach and author Opa Hysea Wise about her timely novel “No Place To Hide” a suspenseful page-turner that examines personal transformation amid violence and racial injustice. "No Place To Hide" besides being a must-read for mystery fans and crime junkies is also an unexpected source of inspiration and self-help. Heroine Smythe Windwalker Daniels anonymity is compromised when a threat is made against her life. She is soon confronted by the reality that this danger not only impacts her life but also the lives around her. She reluctantly accepts the FBI’s protection hoping that by doing the right thing her testimony will bring a promise of justice to a community. Then by learning from her past experiences new meaning enters into her present life and beauty appears in the midst of chaos. This kicks off a series of misadventures where she learns how all events are all woven together in this tapestry called “life.” In these challenging political times as a life coach Opa also sheds some light on how we all need to move forward together. It’s time that we all begin to dream again without fear and examine what we want out of our lives. Opa addresses how most people know what they don’t want in life but rarely tackle what they do want. This is also an opportunity to address belonging. Don’t buy into the fear that we don’t belong because we all belong. Stay in the present moment, focus on the moment and don’t get too far ahead of yourself. We talked to Opa about what she hopes to accomplish with “No Place To Hide” and her spin on our LGBTQ issues. 

Opa Hysea Wise is an American author born to mixed race parents. She grew up across the fabric of the United States and currently resides in Nevada. As an adult Opa understood the deep need for connection that we as humans have. Like so many people of color she came to experience a sense of “otherness” the longer she remained in the States. Those experiences fueled her desire to discuss diversity as the woven fabric within the American tapestry. She worked as a Training and Development specialist and manager in Government and Corporate organizations. Often tasked to develop and deliver diversity courses, Opa brought a sense of understanding, compassion and a call to action to her audience with the firm knowledge that returning to the connection we all have as one body in this universe would be but one step to returning to love. Whether you want to embark on a personal quest for self-discovery or just want to curl up with an action-packed mystery "No Place To Hide" delivers something for everyone. 

For More Info: opahyseawise.com




1 comment:

  1. The interview made me think about a lot of things in a way different than usual and I really appreciate that.
