
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Migguel Anggelo Talks Provincetown Afterglow Festival (AUDIO)

In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Migguel Anggelo about his performance at the Afterglow Festival that takes place September 10th through September 14th at the Art House at 214 Commercial Street in Provincetown, MA. Migguel will present his latest show “LatinXoxo” to close the festival on September 14th at 9:30P. “LatinXoxo” shatters the boundaries of gender in a striptease of the stereotypes his machismo father put upon him from birth. He still remembers the sting of the words his father uttered “I’d rather have a prostitute for a daughter than a gay son.” Then at the age of 12 Migguel witnessed his father’s death by electrocution in the backyard in their home in Valencia, Venezuela forcing him to face the dichotomy between love and hate he felt toward him. Through the dialogue in “LatinXoxo” Anggelo comes to terms with that and faces the Virgin/Whore and Femme/Macho dichotomies his father saw in him and eventually comes to peace with the man he has become. Also performing at the Afterglow Festival at The Art House are Quinn Cox on Tuesday, September 10th at 9:30P, Rick Berlin on Wednesday September 11th at 7P followed by Gene Dante at 9:30P, Trevor Bachman on Thursday September 12th at 7P followed by John Jarboe & The Bearded Ladies at 9P, Fauxnique on Friday, September 13th at 7P followed by Molly Pope at 9:30P, Kareem M. Lucas on Saturday, September 14th 7P and concludes with Migguel Anggelo at 9:30P. We talked to Migguel about the inspiration for his music and his spin on our LGBTQ issues.

Migguel Anggelo first fell in love with the theater as a child playing Pinocchio in a touring production of the show. As a Latin American theater star Migguel perfected his commanding stage presence and electric performances after studying opera at the Conservatory of Music in Cologne, Germany. He received an invitation to attend after being discovered performing on the street and trained for a dozen years in classical ballet, falling in love with the drama and discipline of opera and the explosive whimsy of pop. Anggelo expresses himself through costume, musical composition and solo theater work, evoking the showmanship of Desi Arnaz and the performance art of Klaus Nomi. Migguel is currently developing several new shows and recording projects including an album entitled “English with an Accent” and a multi-character, immigrant-driven musical entitled “The Last Supper”.
For More Info: migguelanggelo.com


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