In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson talks with author Marc Harshbarger about his two must-read gay novels “Deep Dish” and “Deeper Dish”, which tell a continuing saga about love and lust in Chicago back in 1975. His first novel, "Deep Dish" is a gay soap opera that turns back the clock to 1975 during the disco culture of yesteryear. It tells the swinging saga of the Davenport and Haze families, who fall in and out of love and lust in one cliffhanging chapter after another while searching for happiness in a crazy world. In the sequel, "Deeper Dish" the many colorful characters return for more sordid misadventures, nail-biting cliffhangers, passionate encounters and disco fever as the Dish becomes Deeper. Both novels are an easy nostalgic read. On a personal note Harshbarger has been in a relationship with his partner for eighteen years. When asked what he thought about gay marriage now legal in five states Harshbarger stated, “What’s the big deal about two people who love each other getting married? I never understood the problem that people have with that but it seems like there will always be people out there who have to hate some other group of people and deny them their rights. I mean it’s been going on forever. And now I guess the gay community is what they’re fixated on these days. I do think though that in time we will get equal rights. I’m not sure how long it will take, but it’s a slow process and we will have to be patient.”
Marc Harshbarger also writes and publishes "Deep Dish", a gay pop culture blog while he completes the third sequel to his novels.
For More Info: marcharshbarger.blogspot.com
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