In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Judy Dlugacz, President & CEO of Olivia Travel about their new campaign aimed at making a political statement with the company’s first-ever billboard in Times Square. The “Because She Said Yes” campaign embodies Olivia’s message of love, acceptance and community projected across three jumbo screens and carries images of LGBTQ women aimed at showcasing the company’s longstanding commitment to equality. The new billboard covers a 7,000-square-foot viewing area that spans 21 floors and can be seen at the intersection of 7th Ave and 42nd Street in Times Square. The billboards feature real Olivia guests and will be displayed through January 31, 2020. The campaign is an important milestone in LGBTQ+ women’s representation in Times Square and is timed to ensure that it will be seen by millions who visit Times Square during the holiday season and tune into the iconic New Year’s Eve broadcasts across the broadcast networks and cable television. In addition Olivia is also launching a contest encouraging LGBTQ+ women to share photos of themselves across social media using the hashtag, #beautifultogether. The company will pick one participant who enters by January 31, 2020 to win a vacation for two to Turks and Caicos Resort II, November 14th to 20th 2020. All entries received before 11:59 PM PT on December 15th 2019 will also be eligible to be featured during the Olivia Times Square billboard campaign. We talked to Judy about what she hopes to accomplish with the “Beautiful Together” campaign and her spin on our LGBTQ issues.
For over 45 years Olivia has been a leader in experiences, opportunities and inclusion. From its early beginnings as Olivia Records to now the 30th anniversary of operation as Olivia Travel it’s a force for positive change to build a better and more accepting world for the LGBTQ+ women’s community. Olivia has taken over 250,000 women on more than 350 cruise, resort, riverboat and adventure vacations all over the world. These are not ordinary off-the-shelf vacations. They are made for LGBTQ+ women featuring dynamic entertainers and speakers and custom programming. Olivia welcomes all LGBTQ-identified women and their friends on their trips. Olivia’s mission has always been about love, acceptance and building community.
For More Info: olivia.com