In this candid & informative audio interview, Lee Swislow, Executive Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), discusses the lawsuit GLAD has filed in federal court challenging the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). President Obama states on the
White House Website that it’s the intention of his administration to repeal DOMA. However, since taking office, the word “gay” has not been uttered from his lips. Granted there’s the economy & wars raging in the Middle East but in the meantime DOMA is inflicting hardship on thousands of Massachusetts gay couples who are legally married by denying them the same federal rights, benefits & protections their heterosexual counterparts receive for their families. Then there’s the millions of tax-paying LGBT citizens across this country that are denied the right to marry as well as any rights, benefits & protection for their families.... DOMA must be repealed to end this injustice for our LGBT community. This heroic action by GLAD is a major step forward for marriage equality in America. The case was filed on March 3rd, in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts for the 15 Plaintiffs. The 5 Defendants have 120 days to respond....
The Plaintiffs:
Nancy Gill & Marcelle Letourneau, Martin Koski & James Fitzgerald, Dean Hara, Mary Ritchie & Kathy Bush, Melba Abreu & Beatrice Hernandez, Jo Ann Whitehead & Bette Jo Green, Randell Lewis-Kendell, Herbert Burtis and Keith Toney & Albert Toney III
The Defendants:
Office of Personnel Management, United States Postal Service, John E. Potter, in his official capacity as Postmaster General of the Unites States of America, Michael J. Astrue, in his official capacity as the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in her official capacity as United States Secretary of State, Eric H. Holder Jr., in his official capacity as the United States Attorney General & the United States of America....
To read the complete complaint & to support GLAD for their tremendous work for our gay community:
OUTTAKE VOICES™ UPDATE: 7/09 Gay Lawyers Make DOMA History