In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson talks with James Nadeau, Executive Director of the Boston LGBT Film Festival, which is celebrating its 26th year and began May 6th through May 16th. This year in honor of the 40th anniversary of Boston Pride celebration the Boston LGBT Film Festival opened with Bob Christie's stunning documentary on Pride across the globe. “Beyond Gay: The Politics of Pride.” Christie travels the world to places where simply declaring one’s LGBT sexuality is a political act that can incite violence and where Pride becomes an act of courage. This is a moving "Must-See" film.
In this climate of bullying in our schools, the Festival also celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Youth (BAGLY) with two films that speak of the struggles and complications of LGBTQ youth. “We Are the Mods” is director E.E. Cassidy’s award-winning tribute to the Mod fashions of the sixties and John Young’s powerful “Rivers Wash Over Me” will move audiences young and old, with its stunning cast and heart-wrenching tale of race, class and homophobia in the south.
Wolfe, one of the first distributors of LGBT cinema is being honored with the first ever Community Award for the company’s amazing contribution to the cultural lives of the LGBT communities. Wolfe CEO Maria Lynn will be on hand to accept this award and present their sensational new film “Contracorriente” (The Undertow). This award-winning film (Sundance Audience Award 2010) kicks off a special Festival focus on films from Latino/Latina filmmakers.
This year’s Festival has two World Premieres. Award-winning director Stu Maddux's new documentary film “Gen Silent” explores the complications surrounding LGBT seniors so afraid of being subject to discrimination, or worse, in long-term/health care that many go back into the closet. “Beauty and Brains”, the gorgeous new documentary by Catherine Donaldson, explores the transgender community in Nepal and the use of beauty contests to spread awareness and prevention of HIV/AIDS.
There are over one hundred films being screened this year including the New England premiere of James Ivory’s latest film "The City of Your Final Destination" starring Laura Linney and Anthony Hopkins. When asked about the experience of attending the Boston LGBT Film Festival Nadeau stated, "People need this common experience. There's something about sitting in a dark theater watching your life experience in a roomful of people who are all gay. It's so transformational. It's phenomenal. People need to give themselves that, so come to the Festival."
OUTTAKE MEDIA™ will be in attendance reviewing films and providing exclusive audio interviews with the filmmakers throughout the festival. Films will be screened in Boston at the Museum of Fine Arts and the Fenway Community Health Center. In Cambridge films will be shown at the Brattle Theater.
For More Info & Tix: BostonLGBTfilmfest.org
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