The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals grants Obama administration's request to resurrect 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' while they defend the law in court...
In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Chicago-based journalist Tracy Baim about her new book “Obama and the Gays: A Political Marriage”. This must-read book provides a collaborative perspective of our LGBT community’s love-hate relationship with the Obama administration. When asked what her inspiration was for writing the book, Baim stated, “ I’ve read a lot of books and articles about Obama in the last few years. Especially in the last year a lot has come out on a national level that really do a good job looking back at Obama on a general level. But pretty much almost entirely ignore the gay movement in Chicago as well as nationally and the role they played in electing him to the senate and president. I felt there was a big gap out there and while it may seem like a periphery issue to some people that gay movement actually did play a pretty pivotal role in the democratic primary in 2008 especially in his US senate primary. I felt that that was lost to history just like the gay role for Clinton’s campaign or other campaigns were also forgotten. I felt ‘Well who better to do it than people in Chicago as well as gay movement writers, activists and bloggers to write about it."
Baim is joined by some of the most respected LGBT journalists, bloggers and activists from around the US. The book includes articles by Chuck Colbert, Lisa Keen, Karen Ocamb, Bob Roehr and others; essays by Wayne Besen, Sean Cahill, John D'Emilio, Kerry Eleveld, Rod McCullom, the Reverend Irene Monroe, Michelangelo Signorile, Pam Spaulding, Timothy Stewart-Winter, Andrew Tobias and Phill Wilson as well as dozens of interviews with Chicago and national gay movement leaders. The book presents an in-depth look at Obama's trajectory on gay issues and is now available.
For More Info: ObamaandtheGays.com
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