In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Marlee Walchuk about the second annual RightOutTV Music and Video Awards for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex artists. This year openly LGBTI singer/songwriters from around the world may submit songs as well as music videos in a variety of Indie-friendly categories such as “Best Video Do It Yourself” for the more homegrown project and “Best Song So Far” for those masterpieces written years ago that still deserve recognition. There’s even a “Best Living Room Performance” category to fit the growing trend of artists not wanting to wait for the funding to produce and release big-budget videos. “Our goal this year is to give more artists at every level a chance to compete and get noticed,” says Marlee Walchuk, Co-Producer of the awards. “It’s the artists’ talent and creativity that are being judged, not just the quality of their productions and recordings.” The deadline for submissions is Sept 24, 2012 and nominees will be announced Oct 11, 2012. The popular “Fan Fave” voting also begins Oct. 11th. We talked to Marlee about the RightOutTV Music and Video Awards and issues facing our LGBT community.
RightOutTV is based in Canada which became the fourth country to pass marriage equality in 2005. When asked her thoughts about LGBT equality in America, Walchuk stated, “I have to admit I did expect to see progress sooner than this. I love the US, I have always loved the US. I love going there, there’s something about that country that has a vibe and an energy to it that I just don’t see in other places. I have tons of faith that a country that was founded on ‘liberty and justice for all’ will soon realize that also includes their LGBT population. What I haven’t understood is why there’s so much resistance. I mean here we are in Canada, I don’t know how may countries have passed gay marriage but it’s a significant amount and not one of those countries or even the states that have allowed gay marriage has suffered or collapsed in any way. I just don’t understand why they’re resisting when you just look around and realize that all these ridiculous predictions or derogations and all these things that are going to happen and they’ve never come true anywhere. I understand there are religious reasons that people are holding on to but really it’s tough for us. Obviously we’re being able to marry here in Canada; we feel quite safe here. It does feel different when we go into the States and when we play Pride festivals down there. We do feel different walking the streets and we just can’t wait to see that start to change. I do believe that a major transformation will happen if Obama gets in. So we are rooting for all of you and just hoping that things go the way they are suppose to be going.”
The RightOutTV Music and Video Awards is an offshoot of the free LGBTI artist promotional site at RightOutTV.com. Marlee Walchuk and her wife Tully Callender of the music duo Sugarbeach launched RightOutTV in November 2010 after realizing there were few places to release their own LGBTI messaged music videos. RightOutTV provides a fully developed promotional website and streaming channel for artists who deserve more credit for being out and proud with their music. Openly LGBTI singer/songwriters from around the globe may submit songs and videos to be voted upon by a prestigious panel of professionals in the Music and Arts industries now until Sept. 24, 2012.
For More Info: rightouttvawards.com
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