In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Gabrielle Hanna, Executive Director of the Provincetown International Film Festival that takes place in Provincetown, Massachusetts June 19th through June 23rd. This is the film festival’s 15th anniversary and there are many special events and films planned to celebrate the occasion. The Filmmaker on The Edge Award goes to Harmony Korine (SPRINGBREAKERS, GUMMO, MISTER LONELY, KIDS) sponsored by the Coolidge Corner Theatre Foundation. Matt Dillon (DRUGSTORE COWBOY, TO DIE FOR, THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY) will receive the Excellence in Acting Award sponsored by American Express. Cinematographer Ed Lachman (TRUE STORIES, FAR FROM HEAVEN, ERIN BROCKOVICH) will receive the Faith Hubley Career Achievement Award sponsored by the MALLRD Foundation. The Opening Night Film will be Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman’s LOVELACE; the Friday Night Spotlight selection is Jeffrey Schwarz’s I AM DIVINE; Saturday Night Spotlight Selection is Pedro Almodóvar’s I’M SO EXCITED and the closing night film is Francesca Gregorini’s EMANUEL AND THE TRUTH ABOUT FISHES. Past Filmmaker on The Edge Awardees Directors John Waters, Todd Haynes, Mary Harron, Rob Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman and Producer Christine Vachon will be attending the festival’s 15th anniversary celebration as well. This is Hanna’s last year as Executive Director of PIFF. We talked to Gabby about this year’s festival, her plans for the future and her spin on our LGBT issues.
When asked what her personal commitment is to LGBT civil rights Hanna stated, “My partner and I are very committed. We work for candidates who are running for office that we believe in. We are very active with the Lesbian Political Action Committee, LPAC and if people don’t know about it they should. It was a PAC that was started last year by women to raise money to give to women running for political office, which is LPAC’s mission. I highly suggest that everyone out there whether male or female check out LPAC and read about it. It started last year and they gave over a million dollars that they raised to people like Elizabeth Warren, President Obama and Tammy Baldwin and it was a wonderful thing and we support that and feel strongly about that. And I’m really rooting for the US Supreme Court to comeback and overturn DOMA. (Defense of Marriage Act) I think that’s going to be good for everybody, not just the LGBT community. I think it’s just a really positive step for this country.”
The Provincetown Film Society, Inc. (PFS) is the year-round organization and home of the Provincetown International Film Festival and the Whaler's Wharf Cinema. PFS is dedicated to showcasing new achievements in independent film and honoring the work of acclaimed and emerging directors, producers and actors. An integral part of PFS's mission is to contribute to the economic and creative vitality of America's oldest art colony. This is the seventh year we’ll be covering the film festival for OUTTAKE VOICES™.
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