In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson talks with Lisa Krinsky, Director of the LGBT Aging Project in Boston. With gay marriage being the law in Massachusetts we asked how this effects the rights and benefits for the commonwealth’s LGBT seniors. Krinsky stated, “There are some assumptions that marriage takes care of all the inequities that might exist for folks. The fact is what we have found here in Massachusetts that is most unique is the issue of what rights and benefits that are provided with marriage on a state level and those that exist on a federal level. There are about 1400 rights and benefits that come with marriage. About 1100 come on a federal level and about 300 come on a state level. So things like social security which is on the federal level and social security benefits for a surviving spouse would not be available to a married same gender couple in Massachusetts because the federal government is not going to recognize that marriage.”
Lisa Krinsky, LICSW has been a social worker with twenty years of experience in community based elder services. An active member of the LGBT Aging Project since its inception in 2001, she has been its Director since 2004. Lisa designed and leads the Aging Project’s Open Door Program, which enhances aging service providers’ capacity to be ‘welcoming’ to LGBT elders and caregivers. Lisa frequently consults with mainstream aging service providers about cultural competency with LGBT elders and caregivers and presents nationally on these policy and practice issues. She earned her MSW from Simmons School of Social Work. She is a Leadership Council member of the LGBT Aging Issues Network (LAIN) of the American Society on Aging and co-chairs the LGBT Issues Committee for the Massachusetts Chapter of NASW.
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