In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Jeff Parshley and his partner celebrity photographer Adam Bouska about their grassroots org the “NOH8 Campaign.” After attending a rally in West Hollywood protesting the passage of Proposition 8 back in November 2008 which banned marriage equality, the couple went back to their apartment and took the first NOH8 photo. Bouska had Parshley pose in front of a white background with the words “NOH8″ written on his cheek and duct tape on his mouth, symbolizing Prop 8 and similar legislation’s attempt to silence the voices of our LGBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender) community. Since then it has expanded into a global grassroots campaign. Over 4,500 NOH8 photos have been taken featuring members of the LGBT community, allies, families and celebrities. The notable celebrity photos are of Cindy McCain and “Glee’s” Jane Lynch.
When asked what their personal commitment is to LGBT civil rights Adam stated, “Before all this happened I never considered myself as much of an activist. Until Prop 8 I never thought something would hit me so personally. We just felt that we had to take it one step further. So I think at this point seeing all these different faces coming in with all these different stories, I think it’s almost our responsibility to the community to portray these stories in a respectable light and get these stories out there and make sure these voices are heard. This commitment to full equality is something that seems so natural and something so expected at this point. We just try to do as much as we can with our own abilities and we always encourage people to do what they can do.”
This summer Jeff Parshley and Adam Bouska are taking their "NOH8 Campaign" on the road photographing our LGBT community and their allies across America. This is a great opportunity to participate in this historic and effective movement.
For More Info: NOH8Campaign.com
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