In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Cathy Marino-Thomas, President of the Board of Marriage Equality New York. Recently there’s been some appalling gay bashings in New York City. Marino-Thomas eloquently addresses this as well as the fact that LGBTQ teens are up to four times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. Over the last month, numerous teenagers have taken their own lives after facing bullying incidents. When asked how we can turn this around and send out a positive message to our LGBTQ kids Marino-Thomas stated, “I’ve been mourning these kids. It’s just devastating what’s going on. We are the adults in this community. We must find a way to reach out to these kids who are just figuring stuff out. We need to be visible, we need to be good positive role models. We need to show them that there is life beyond the coming out process and with or without your family’s acceptance you are a valid individual that can lead a good and positive life. We as the adults need to take charge of this. We need to put ourselves out there and let these kids see that. We must provide hope.”
Founded in 1998, Marriage Equality New York is the oldest organization in the state of New York to advocate full and equal marriage for same-gender couples. A grassroots, not-for-profit organization, MENY and its dedicated volunteers are devoted to ending discrimination in civil marriage through education, awareness and media campaigns, political actions, and coalition building. Marriage Equality New York is also the founding chapter of Marriage Equality USA, the national organization with chapters in California, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Join MENY as they travel from all over New York State to meet their Senators in Albany to educate them on why marriage equality matters! In 2011 there will be freshman and senior senators to work on and to push ALL senators to get this legislation to a vote. Be part of that change!
For More Info: meny.us

New York Gubernatorial Candidate Carl Paladino stated that he did want children “brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option." Paladino’s outrageous remarks are an embarrassment to fair-minded New Yorkers. This vile language is putting lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender people in harm's way. It does nothing but contribute to a climate that encourages incidents like the recent brutal anti-gay attacks in New York City and the anti-gay bullying that led to numerous teen suicides over the last month.
Jarrett Barrios is President of GLAAD
Carl Paladino's statements are unfortunate and show he lacks an understanding of what it means to be gay. Allow me to offer a counter to his misinformed statement: I think gay men and women -- my neighbors and your neighbors -- would be much better off and much more successful if they were allowed equal rights and the option of getting married and raising a family. I don't want New Yorkers to be brainwashed into thinking that ignorance is an equally valid and successful option. It isn't.
Greg Angelo, Chairman of the New York Log Cabin Republicans
What a case of the proverbial pot calling the kettle black. Not only were Mr. Paladino's remarks homophobic and insensitive to the occurrences of recent teenage suicides and gay bashing's,they were hypocritical. To imply that gays are immoral when the very much married Mr. Paladino, who fathered a child out of wedlock, tells volumes of his own character. New Yorker's will not stand by while such a man demeans our city and our citizens!
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