In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Robin McGehee, Director of GetEQUAL and Molly McKay, Media Director of Marriage Equality USA, for a Gay Marriage update and about joining forces for a very important Valentine's Day Action. Since 2001, Marriage Equality USA chapters have engaged in annual marriage license counter actions to show the discrimination that is enforced every day against our LGBT community. Whether states have gay marriage, domestic partnerships, civil unions, or without any legal protections under their state's laws, all gay couples are denied the 1,138 federal rights of marriage. This Valentine’s Day action is an opportunity for our LGBT community to bring attention to this travesty and participate by going to their county clerks throughout America and requesting marriage licenses on February 14, 2011.

When asked what they hoped to accomplish with this action, McKay stated, “Ideally this is an opportunity for us to be in every local paper, every local TV and radio station in the area where an action takes place. It is important to be able to tell the local stories and for the people to hear from real-life people who are impacted by marriage discrimination and to have pictures of our families and have stories of how the inability to marry has impacted us. It is also an opportunity for our straight allies to come out and speak in support of marriage equality. So it’s really an opportunity to put a very personal message and face on this issue.”
We also addressed DOMA, (the Defense of Marriage Act) and Prop 8 which were both found unconstitutional in federal court. With public opinion polls showing that America favors gay marriage, we urge President Obama, Congress and all states with discriminatory laws on their books to stand for justice and equality for all people, as the Constitution requires, and work together to uphold the American tradition of fairness and equality by ending marriage discrimination.
For Info to Join the Action: equalityevents.ning.com

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