In this intimate audio conference call Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson Host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ participated with members of the LGBT press to discuss with Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) her candidacy for the U.S. Senate. The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund arranged this opportunity for a dialogue with the Congresswoman. Chuck Wolfe, CEO of the Victory Fund, praised Baldwin during the conference call stating her bid for the Senate will be “An important race of our community. The Victory Fund endorsed Tammy in her first state legislative race back in 1992. She hasn’t lost a race. We hope we are able to help her continue that success rate all the way through 2012.”
Besides being a fierce advocate for LGBT Civil Rights Baldwin is vowing to stand up for the middle class, “no matter how tough the odds or how powerful the special interests it means fighting against.” This is great news for the 2012 elections. Wisconsin has been going through some rough times with their antigay right wing Governor. We’ve interviewed Baldwin a number of times on OUTTAKE VOICES™ and as a champion of doing the right thing Tammy will bring a sense of sanity and confidence back to the people of Wisconsin and America.
When asked how we can combat homophobia as the 2012 elections rev up and the GOP candidates continue attacking our LGBT community Baldwin stated, “To the extent that I am faced with it in my campaign I plan on responding very directly and we’re going to have campaigns unfolding across the country. But to the extent that it (homophobia) is raised in the US Senate race in Wisconsin I’m certainly not going to turn the other way.”
On being openly gay Baldwin thinks Wisconsin will value her honesty stating, “I have always since the beginning in all my adult life been out and honest about my sexual orientation and I think that voters appreciate the values of honesty and expect integrity in their elected officials.” Baldwin however insists the race “won’t be about me” and instead will focus on the problems facing everyday Americans, “It will be about the middle-class, the threats that they’re facing right now, the struggles that families are experiencing and which candidate for U.S. Senate is going to be the best fighter for them.”
For More Info: tammybaldwin.com
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