In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with RightOutTV producer Marlee Walchuk, who with her wife Tully Callender have launched the first music video awards for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex artists on their global 24-hour streaming video channel. LGBTI musicians from around the world have been submitting their videos since word of this fabulous opportunity was announced earlier this month. The deadline for submissions was Friday September 30th and the Awards will be presented on November 27, 2011.
When asked what they’re hoping to accomplish for our LGBT community with the RightOutTV Music Video Awards, Walchuk stated, “First of all more and broader exposure of the artists and the glimpses into LGBT life. I mean every time the artist creates a video about how they love and who they love and what their life looks like, that’s another wonderful view that the world has of us as a community. And music has always been a hugely powerful vehicle for activism. So we feel the music videos are particularly important for the world to actually just take a look and go ‘Hey we’re all the same, we love the same and we must deserve the same rights.’ So we actually see this as a very important layer that we’re putting out into the internet and into the world to help create change.”
Openly LGBTI singer/songwriters from around the globe submitted videos to be voted upon by a prestigious panel of professionals in the Music & Arts industries. Judges’ nominees in each category will be announced October 30th and winners will be announced Nov. 27. There’s also a special category of RightOutTV Fan Fave, voting for this will begin Oct.7 and close on Nov. 7. “We’ve commissioned 22 successful, well respected professionals from press, film, music promotion, publishing and radio, including music producers from both the gay and the straight communities as our judges. Exposure to a panel of judges of this caliber will be immensely beneficial to these talented Out artists” says Producer Marlee Walchuk.
For More Info: rightouttvawards.com

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