In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Keri Aulita, Deputy Director of the Boston Pride Committee, about this year’s events. Boston’s LGBT Pride celebration starts June 3rd and runs through Sunday June 12th. In celebration of the 41st anniversary of Boston Gay Pride this year’s theme is ‘EQUALITY No More No Less’. The 2011 Boston Pride Theme reminds us to continue the fight for full and true equality, with no exceptions and no concessions. Equal treatment under the law, in our schools, at work, in our neighborhoods and in the religion of our choice. We expect to be treated with respect and fairness by our peers, families, elected officials, doctors, landlords, employers, neighbors and religious leaders. We must insist on the same rights, dignity, protection, access and opportunities in our towns, cities, countries and worldwide. All people. All places. All ways. ‘EQUALITY No More No Less’.
When asked what her reaction was to the violence that broke out at the recent Moscow Pride Parade, Aulita stated, “Boston Pride is a member of the International Association of Pride Committees. We know the organizers of the Moscow Pride. We have an annual conference every year and we get together with pride colleagues from across the globe. Moscow has been struggling for a long time to get a permit to have a parade. What’s my reaction, it’s disgusting. Part of why we do what we do is people question ‘is pride still relevant especially in Massachusetts?’ It is because things like this still happen, because David Kato was murdered in Uganda this past winter. This is why we continue to do it. The Moscow struggle was documented in the documentary made by the Vancouver Pride Society in Beyond Gay: The Politics of Pride. In that documentary you saw a piece on Moscow and how they struggle just to walk down the street. It’s unfortunate and it’s why the people in the pride movement are so committed and why we in Boston are so committed. We want to have parties and parades but we want to really try and get the word out there that there’s a reason why we are so demanding on visibility. It’s just so unfortunate that violence happens anywhere.”
The annual Pride parade is on Saturday June 11th with over 30 events and parties happening all week long. Happy Pride Everyone!!
For More Info: bostonpride.org

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