“Meet in the Middle 4 Equality”, the California LGBT group that is organizing a statewide rally the first Saturday after the California Supreme Court Prop 8 decisions, is launching a national letter writing campaign aimed at Barack & Michelle Obama. Since President Obama has been in office the gay word has not publicly passed from his lips. In this exclusive audio interview, Charlotte Robinson presents the conclusion of her two part series with Robin McGehee, lead organizer of Meet in the Middle 4 Equality, who compassionately states we should take the necessary steps to bring national awareness to our LGBT issues. McGehee is urging our community & their allies to write letters to the first family stressing the importance of passing national legislation for equal rights, benefits & protection for our LGBT families. Perhaps when the Obamas read our stories they will be compelled to address our basic civil rights. The next step is camping OUT @ the White House this summer to bring attention to promises Obama made during his campaign but has yet to act on. UPDATED MAY 1th 2009: Obama changed Civil Rights on the White House website What he had stated "While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It's about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect." Eloquently said but it has been removed!! Updates to Come... For More Info: Meet in the Middle 4 Equality

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