In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols about “Out and Around”. Their mission is to travel around the world in search of LGBT leaders and allies that are making a difference. They will be chronicling their journeys as a lesbian couple and sharing the accounts of the extraordinary individuals they meet during their “not-so-straight travels”.
When asked what do they hope to accomplish with “Out & Around”, Jenni stated, “One of the things that we realized in the LGBT community is that we really lack role models. So we hope by highlighting these people around the world and these could be leaders in community organizing, in business, in arts, in entertainment, in health, and all aspects of society, we think that their stories will provide role models to LGBTQ youth and queer people globally. Secondly, we hope that by highlighting stories of LGBT people in all walks of life we can help decrease homophobia and just show that gay people are striving everywhere and they contribute to society in so many ways. And thirdly, we want to bring attention to LGBT issues, particularly in developing countries because in those countries there’s still a long way to go.”
Lisa is fluent in Spanish and Jenni is fluent in Chinese. They’re going places where their dollar stretches far or where they have family or where people have promised a place to stay since their finances are limited. The first stop starting July 6th is New Zealand, then on to Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Taiwan, China, Nepal, India, Africa and South America.
Jenni and Lisa have been together for two years. Jenni Chang works as a business manager for eBay Inc, the online marketplace site. Jenni’s international experience includes volunteering with community outreach groups in Taiwan, Cambodia, and China. Jenni is an LGBT activist who is involved in the Asian American and Christian LGBT communities in San Francisco. Lisa Dazols is a licensed clinical social worker who is in her tenth year in HIV services. Lisa works at UCSF’s Positive Health Program in San Francisco’s largest HIV clinic. She started her career as an international HIV social worker in Chile before getting her masters degree in social welfare at UC Berkeley.
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